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Inventory Optimization, Simplified

Our ERP optimizers have a built-in integration with your ERP system, so you don't have to implement a costly inventory purchasing system.

Optimize Your ERP System

Is it possible to fix your wholesale inventory challenges without new software?

You’ve made a large investment in your ERP system. There’s no need to replace your entire ERP purchasing software when you can use our inventory ERP optimizers to dynamically optimize your ERP's static settings.

ERP systems have a lot of inventory settings, but they are rarely reviewed and optimized. Thrive's analyses have shown these static settings cause the bulk of inventory challenges for wholesale distributors. 

Failing to optimize your slow-moving SKUs causes:
  • Excess dead stock
  • Low inventory turns
  • Lost sales
  • Low fill rates
  • Dissatisfied clients
  • Too many backorders
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Prevent up to 90% of your dead stock by automatically identifying and optimizing low-volume SKUs.

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Reduce stockouts and lost sales by up to 50% by increasing your ERP’s response time to demand and supply changes.

Chosen by North America’s Largest Wholesalers

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Cost Effective, Time Saving

Replacing your ERP purchasing module is cost-intensive and time-consuming with a high risk of not improving your issues of unpredictable demand and change. We created a better way.

Thermostock and Tiltmeter leverage your existing investment in your ERP system – while delivering transformative results.

Discover the difference

ERP and supply chain planning systems
Thrive’s inventory optimization software

Requires buyers to learn a new system

High disruption

No disruption


Cost of implementation and ongoing support

High cost

Low cost

Failure risk

Risk of failed buyer adoption

High risk

No risk

Implementation time

6-12 months

Less than 30 days per module

Prevents dead stock


Yes, up to 90%

Improves fill rates

On your low-selling parts


Yes, by an average of 8 points

Time to detect changes in demand and supply

4-6 months

1-2 months

Complimentary analysis (with your data)



Leverages ERP real-time on-hands and sales

Not batched, but real time



Your Questions, In Focus

What is inventory optimization?

Inventory optimization determines the optimal inventory level for a business to maintain at any given time to ensure efficient operations. Optimizing inventory involves analyzing sales trends, customer behavior, product life cycle, and supply chain disruptions to make informed decisions about inventory planning. It ensures businesses maintain a balanced inventory that meets customer demands while minimizing inventory holding costs.

How can I optimize inventory for maximum results?

Here are some key factors to optimize your inventory performance:

  • Measure forecast accuracy and adjust forecast settings regularly so that forecasts are as accurate as possible.
  • Define inventory policies for each meaningful group of items so that ERP purchasing settings can be configured for each group.
  • Monitor each product’s lifecycle.
  • Monitor customer preferences and identify when they change.
  • Monitor supplier performance, especially recent fluctuations that require adjustments in your inventory procurement.
  • Establish and follow a regular cadence to review metrics (e.g. forecast accuracy, overstock, and demand and supply changes) to adjust ERP settings and assumptions.
How does Thrive optimize inventory without implementing a new purchasing system?

We developed inventory optimization software that targets low-volume SKUs and unpredictable supply and demand that constrain the functionality of your existing ERP. Our AI technologies plug into your ERP with an API connection, collecting your real data to show you the full picture of your total inventory.