Taking Stock

Inventory Optimization Software: Your Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Inventory Optimization

Written by Mobarok Hossain | Mar 27, 2023 7:20:41 PM

Inventory optimization is a crucial process that businesses must undertake to maintain optimal inventory levels, reduce inventory costs, and improve customer satisfaction. Proper inventory optimization software can help wholesale companies gain significant advantages, including excess cash flow, reduced costs, optimized inventory position, improved customer relationship management, and better business performance.

Business inventories in the U.S. had a ratio of 1.37 to sales in December 2022. That was just one data point within an impressive fluctuation, reaching an all-time high at 1.74 during April 2020 and hitting its lowest-ever mark at 1.24 seven years previous in March 2011.

This comprehensive guide will discuss inventory optimization, its advantages, key ingredients of an inventory optimization formula that works, challenges, and resources available for businesses to help them achieve inventory optimization.

What is Inventory Optimization?

Inventory optimization determines the optimal inventory level for a business to maintain at any given time to ensure efficient operations. It involves the careful balancing of stock supply and customer demand to ensure that the company does not run out of stock and, at the same time, avoids overstocking, which can result in excess inventory related costs.

The process of inventory optimization involves analyzing sales trends, customer behavior, product life cycle, and supply chain disruptions to make informed decisions about inventory planning. It ensures that businesses maintain a balanced inventory that meets customer demands while minimizing inventory holding costs.

The Advantages of Inventory Optimization in Wholesale Trading

Inventory optimization can offer several advantages to businesses in the wholesale industry. Here are some of the benefits:

Excess Cashflow

Inventory optimization can help businesses free up cash flow by reducing excess stock and holding costs. By maintaining safety stock, businesses can avoid tying up excessive amounts of capital in inventory, which can be utilized in other business areas to drive growth.

Reduced Cost

Inventory optimization can help businesses reduce excess inventory holding costs such as warehousing, storage, and insurance expenses. By maintaining optimal stock levels, businesses can minimize the costs associated with overstocking, such as inventory spoilage, obsolescence, and stock-outs.

Optimized Inventory Levels

Inventory optimization can help businesses maintain optimal inventory positions that meet customer demand without overstocking. With the correct stock levels, businesses can ensure timely order fulfillment and avoid stock-outs that can lead to lost sales and dissatisfied customers.

Improved Customer Relationship Management

Stock optimization can help businesses improve customer satisfaction by ensuring timely order fulfillment, avoiding stock-outs, and reducing lead times. With the right demand forecasting, businesses can meet customer demand promptly and efficiently, leading to repeat business and increased customer loyalty.

Better Business Performance

Inventory optimization can help businesses improve overall business performance by increasing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction. By optimizing safety stock levels, businesses can improve inventory turnover, reduce lead times, and achieve better order fulfillment rates, resulting in improved business performance.

The Key Ingredients of an Inventory Optimization Formula That Works

To achieve inventory optimization, businesses must follow a well-thought-out formula. Here are the key ingredients of an inventory optimization formula that works:

Forecasting Demand

The first step in achieving inventory optimization is forecasting demand as accurately as possible. This involves analyzing sales trends, customer behavior, and market conditions to predict future demand. Businesses can use historical demand data, market research, and predictive analytics to forecast demand accurately. Inventory solutions should integrate forecasting tools for accurate demand forecasting, which is the key to supply chain success."

Establishing Well-Thought-Out Inventory Policies

The next step in optimizing inventory is establishing smart and strategic inventory policies. This involves determining optimal inventory levels, reorder points, and safety stock levels to ensure timely order fulfillment while minimizing inventory holding costs.

Following the Product Life Cycle

Following the product life cycle is an essential ingredient in achieving inventory optimization. Businesses need to monitor product demand, sales, and profitability over the product life cycle and adjust inventory positions accordingly. This involves stocking up on high-demand products and reducing stock levels for slow-moving products.

Accounting for Uncertainties in Product Supply and Demand

Businesses need to account for product supply and demand uncertainties to optimize inventory. This involves assessing the potential risks and challenges that can affect product supply and demand and creating contingency plans to mitigate these risks. Our patent-pending technology Tiltmeter® increases the speed at which your existing purchasing system reacts to demand and supply changes, accounting for hundreds of thousands of SKUs across multiple locations.

Going Digital- Automating Inventory Management is Inevitable

Automating inventory management is becoming increasingly important in achieving inventory optimization. By using inventory management software, businesses can automate inventory tracking, forecasting, and replenishment, enabling them to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

Following Buyer Behavior and Tracking Trends

Following buyer behavior and tracking trends is crucial in achieving inventory optimization. Businesses need to analyze customer behavior, such as buying patterns, preferences, and seasonal trends, to predict future demand accurately.

Factoring in Seasonality and Promotional Campaigns

Businesses need to factor in seasonality and promotional campaigns in inventory optimization. This involves adjusting inventory levels based on seasonal demand and promotional activities to ensure timely order fulfillment.


Replenishment is an essential ingredient in achieving inventory optimization. Businesses need a well-established replenishment process to restock inventory positions promptly and efficiently. Stock-keeping units should be a part of the real-time insights.

Challenges in Inventory Optimization

Achieving inventory optimization can be challenging for businesses. Here are some of the common challenges that businesses face in inventory optimization:

Optimization to Address Disruption in Supply Chains

Supply chain disruptions can affect product supply, resulting in stock-outs and delays in order fulfillment. Businesses need a contingency plan to mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions on inventory positions.

Catering to Volatile Consumer Demand Forecasting

Consumer demand can be volatile and difficult to predict, making inventory optimization challenging for businesses. Businesses must analyze consumer behavior and market trends to predict demand accurately and adjust excess stock levels accordingly.

Maintaining the Momentum of Order Fulfillment

Maintaining an order fulfillment momentum is critical in achieving inventory optimization. Businesses must ensure an efficient order fulfillment process to meet customer demands and avoid stock-outs promptly.

Inventory Optimization Software from Thrive Technologies

Thrive Technologies offers a range of resources to help businesses achieve inventory optimization. These resources include inventory optimization software, data analytics tools, and expert consulting services.

Thermostock® Optimize Low Demand SKUs

Many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems struggle with generating forecasts for low-volume items due to the inherent difficulty in demand planning for such items. The conventional solution to this problem is to manually set stock minimums in the ERP system, which must then be reviewed manually for obsolescence. However, this method is not practical in demand planning for distributors with a large inventory of several thousand active SKUs.

Thermostock offers an alternative approach that enables users to deploy a policy-driven methodology for dynamically calculating SKU minimums. This automated solution eliminates the need for manual adjustments, thereby reducing dead stock accumulation. As a result, Thermostock offers a more efficient and effective solution for distributors who wish to optimize their inventory management practices.

Tiltmeter Monitor For Unexpected Changes

Many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are not designed to handle unexpected inventory supply and demand changes. It may be too late when the ERP system detects these shifts, resulting in costly out-of-stocks accumulation.

Tiltmeter provides a solution for wholesale distributors to effortlessly monitor their entire inventory for unexpected changes in demand and supply. When changes occur, Tiltmeter automatically alerts the buyers and sales teams, allowing them to validate the new demand and modify inventory purchases before inventory problems arise. This proactive approach helps prevent costly stockouts and provides a more efficient and effective solution for optimizing inventory management practices.

Final Words: Inventory Optimization is Better than Inventory Management

Inventory optimization is essential for businesses in the wholesale trading industry to achieve optimal inventory levels, reduce holding costs, and improve customer satisfaction. By following a strategic inventory optimization formula that includes forecasting demand, establishing a well-thought-out inventory policy, following the product life cycle, accounting for uncertainties in product supply and demand, going digital, following buyer behavior and tracking trends, factoring in seasonality and promotional campaigns, and ensuring efficient replenishment, businesses can achieve inventory optimization.

While inventory management is necessary for businesses, inventory optimization is a better approach to help businesses gain significant advantages and achieve better business performance. With the right resources and support, businesses can optimize inventory and position themselves for growth and success in the competitive wholesale trading industry.

About Thrive Technologies

Thrive Technologies is committed to solving supply chain planning issues for inventory-intensive companies without requiring expensive risky software implementations. Thrive has developed patent-pending technologies that analyze billions of rows of inventory data and have reduced dead stock by 43.5% in 4 months. Thrive’s inventory solutions are live within days, integrate closely with clients’ ERP systems, and provide unprecedented agility in managing unpredictability and change in demand and supply chains.

For more information, please visit Thrive Technologies at www.thrivetech.com or follow them on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.